Our Story

Madison Living encapsulates our core family values. Through it, we convey our passion for better living. We create hand crafted home and bath products that are 100% natural right here in Brooklin, Ontario, and are designed for the whole family. We also share a list of wellness articles that focus on self-care, home hacks and personal recipes on our website. We invite you to share them with your family and friends!
Our Purpose
Madison Living is a family business and allows us to serve our purpose to (1) honour our love for our angel baby Maddie, (2) move towards a more natural and sustainable lifestyle for the family through products we use and life choices, and (3) further our charitable work to support those in need.

Our Commitment
We care about your wellness and our communities and our goal is to give you the ideas, inspiration and tools to focus on self-care and enhance your mental and emotional health. We support the Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network. Having lost our baby 9 years ago, we understand all depth of pain and feeling of loss - but remember you are not alone. Organizations like the PAIL Network comprises of professionals and care volunteers who can help you and your families. That's why Madison Living is committed to donating 10% of our profits to supporting individuals and families through the PAIL Network of Sunnybrook Hospital. Your funds will be used to improve bereavement care and support for families and education for health care professionals in Ontario.